Put Your Camera Where Your Mouth Is

“Wouldn’t It Be Great If…?”



Yeah, maybe that would be great. Especially if you’re claiming to be a relevant political show on one of the largest ‘news’ networks in modern history. So if I have your attention, you are now invited to watch the following clip and see if you agree:

“What Am I Babbling About…?”

If you know you’ve got a must-see, ground-breaking, earth-shaking piece of video for everyone to watch, THEN POST IT TO YOUTUBE! Don’t just talk about it. Or not.

– Web Video Producer

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Video Interview On The Street

Video Interview On The Street

Conducting an interview on the street can be challenging for many reasons. Most people you interview are not professional actors or trained speakers and will therefore be unprepared with their words and manner of speech.

web video producer


There are also many technological challenges such as wild sound, bad lighting, battery life, and background interference. And finally, when conducting a video interview on the street, be careful of your subject matter and context. You might be in for an unpredictable surprise.

– Web Video Producer

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Summer Sports Reels

“Put Me In, Coach”

The best way to stay in the game, is to get in the game – and to do that, you need to get noticed, and stay relevant.

“You Are The Champion”

If you’re serious about playing sports, you already practice and compete – and somebody that knows you has that game winning goal that you scored on video. Get the footage, make a demo, and upload it to YouTube.

Need help? Visit Jay.TV Editing Services

– Web Video Producer

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Resume Filmography

Dailies and Demo Reels are great ways to share your past work, and if you don’t record your live event as it happens, it might be gone forever. Oftentimes, it’s a “1-take” deal, so you might want to take the time to do that pre-production while you still have time.

Planning out what camera will be used and by whom is an excellent place to start. Even if you don’t have high-def and professional videographer, just getting any footage is better than nothing. So it doesn’t make the final cut – not to worry. Put one foot in front of the other, and soon you’ll be walking out the door ( “Santa Claus” )

The point is, the build a Filmography, you must start somewhere – so just get started. Shoot anything and upload it to YouTube. Dismiss the critics, and hit record NOW.

– Web Video Producer

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Life Without YouTube

Does Anyone Remember What Life Was Like Before YouTube?

It seems hard to believe there was a time when YouTube didn’t exist; when you had to get off the couch to change the channel, or even bother to wait for a commercial to end.

When you couldn’t rely on NetFlix to supply you with a season’s worth of TV episodes on one DVD.

When you had to stand in a long line at Blockbuster to rent VHS cassettes that demand that “It’s Kind To Rewind.”

But if you do remember any of this, you may remember what it was like to study camera and editing techniques so that your production didn’t look like public access television.

I think that in today’s culture of hyper-media exposure, you don’t need to go to film school to learn about media theory.

You don’t need to read books about lighting or cinematography. If you spend enough time on YouTube, you’ll see young kids making videos that seem very advanced and beyond need for simple critique.

It’s taught in high schools today, and it’s second nature. It’s the YouTube generation.

It’s the next wave of media, and it’s woven into our DNA.

There is no longer…Life Without YouTube.

You’ve been ‘Tubed.’

– Jay Wertzberger, Web Video Producer

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October Surprise

What’s going to be the October Surprise for new media in politics?

Can the impact of the “Innocence of Muslims” video be measured, and/or was this all a Red Herring?

Stay tuned and stay alert. November should be fascinating…

Web Video Producer

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New Uses For Old Media

If you’ve got audio or video recordings from the past, you should greatly consider having them digitized. Not only can you enjoy them again today, but they will be preserved before they decay.

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Jay Wertzberger – Web Video Producer

Hi, My Name Is Jay Wertzberger And I’ve Turned This Site Into A Blog. I’ve Owned WebVideoProducer.com For Many Years, But It Seemed Like It Was Finally Time To Do Something Constructive With It.

I Have Many Years Of Experience With Basic Video Production To Online Media Delivery. I Created Jay.TV Years Before YouTube Even Existed. I Once Had A College Friend Ask, “Why Would Anyone Want To Watch You Do Nothing?” A Very Seinfeldian Question, And One That Seems To No Longer Be Asked Of Others.

Nonetheless, Let’s Get Started.

– Jay Wertzberger, Jay.TV and JayWertzberger.com

Posted in ENG, Media Consulting, Online Media, Post-Production, Pre-Production, Uncategorized, Video Production | 7 Comments